How to behave in a stressful situation: what you need to know

We do not want to configure you to the fact that there will definitely be problems that will have to solve. Every day, we are sure, is filled with vivid emotions and positive impressions, however, we want you to be fully armed if troubles suddenly arise.

Often they find people by surprise, which immediately takes the strength and spirit necessary for their resolution. However, do not dwell on troubles, it is important to remember that you are always able to solve them.

First of all, having encountered troubles, you should moderate emotions, do not make decisions momentarily, do not get excited, so as not to regret the deed. Faced with the problem, gain more air and make a big exhale. Just relax and follow what and what you think, without making any decisions. Later, thinking about the situation, it is necessary to think about its positive and negative sides, rationally weigh the pros and cons, and only after that make a decision if it is necessary.  

Do not blame other people of your troubles. It is important to understand that the responsibility for your life is completely on you, which means that the responsibility for decisions made is also to you so that people do not do around you. Seeing the reason for all problems anyone, but not yourself, you will never learn to allow them. It is possible to control any, even the most difficult situation, like your own life, only when all responsibility for what has already happened to you and will still be, you took upon yourself.

You should also not compare your problems with other people’s situations. Of course, it will seem to you that someone is easier, but not for you. But, even if this is so, although this is not at all, it will not facilitate your position and will not solve your problem, so we discard others to the side, forgetting about comparisons, and focus on our life and fate.

Do not delve into your problems, spend too much time with them. Когда возникает проблема, ее нужно решать, но не стоит еще долгое время хранить в себе впечатления от нее, рассказывать о ней всем и задумываться о ее причинах – так Вы только на долгое время сохраните в себе негативные эмоции, которые у Вас вызвала данная ситуация.

Change life, avoiding those areas where you have problems one after another, and do not be afraid of anything!

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