Resorts of Egypt and Cyprus what you need to see

On the one hand, Egypt is an Arab state, quite modern, with its culture and economy. On the other hand, getting into Egypt, you feel yourself in a fabulous country of thousands and one night. What is Egypt? Do we know everything about him, or he is still full of riddles?

There is no need to paint the resorts of Egypt. Everyone who at least once in his life went beyond the limits of his homeland began his foreign trip history from Egypt. It can only be noted that the famous resorts of Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh are still hospitable and meet tourists with a warm, friendly Red Sea and the abundance of the proposed services.


Let’s go to Cairo. Having grown up for several millennia in the largest city of Africa, he accumulated the achievements of powerful Egyptian civilization. Surrounded by sand and divided by the waters of the mighty Nile, Cairo is called “gates of the East”. In it, an ancient story is amazingly intertwined with modern. Cairo is filled with bells and minarets, rich villas and high -rise buildings, tropical palm trees and noisy bazaars. Sousseless shops flooded with the light of neon lights.


You cannot be in Egypt and not see the pyramids. Then you are straight to Giza. The type of pyramids, these majestic structures, and the Great Sphinx will make you feel awe of the greatness and power of the force that made it come to life. Sphinx – the ancient keeper of the pyramids, the last refuge of powerful pharaohs, has the image of a lion with the head of a person, is the largest sculpture in the world.

Other attractions

Much in Egypt is worthy of attention from the traveler. Gigantic dimensions of aqueduct, tower Beit al Senar, the famous artisan bazaar in the entire Middle East, preserved almost unchanged since the 14th century. Filled by oriental exotic, he will teach you all the intricacies of trade in the East. And you can buy everything in Egypt. Since ancient times, the East has been famous for spices, carpets, bronze and copper products, gold, silver, ceramics and leather products. You can even visit a camel market. It is not necessary to buy a camel, you will be so what to tell.

In Egypt, entertainment clubs, botanical gardens, and zoos will be affectionately meet you. They will have entertained and not be bored with jumps in the club of Gezir, horseback riding, and an unusual rotating restaurant at the top of the Cairo Tower.

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