How to protect the skin of the face from the harmful effects of the sun

Fans of tanning, and everyone else, especially fair -skinned people, will be interested in knowing how to protect your skin from solar exposure even with its small doses. Is it true that there is no salvation from sunburn.

There are certain rules, observing which nothing threatens you:

– Lubricate the body not covered with clothes with special means (the skin on the nose and shoulders burns the very first);

– The use of soap, perfumes, decorative cosmetics after them is too vulnerable, then an uneven tan in the form of spots is possible;

-White or just light cotton is most suitable for protecting the skin, and through wet tissue and synthetics the sun penetrates the easiest way;

– Panama, baseball cap, hat, in general any headdress will not harm either;

– During swimming, the sun also enters the skin, being at a depth of half a meter on you 30 % sunlight;

– The action of water drops and sweat is similar to the action of the lens, so you should more often wipe with a towel;

If you could not protect yourself from the sun, and your skin is still burned, use the following tips:

-It is necessary to cool the skin, use sour -milk products, compresses and decoctions of calendula and tea;

-When peeling, you can use aloe. Squeeze the juice from the leaves, strain and attach to the burned area of ​​the skin; – Apricots are also a great remedy. Before applying, crush into the slurry, keep for 20 minutes;

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