How to define a girl whether she loves her young man

Girls love to complain that a young man does not pay enough attention to them. You can often hear “He doesn’t love me at all!”. So how to determine whether it loves or not? We will not guess on the chamomile, but write in detail and decompose on the shelves signs that your young man is crazy about you.

1. He always attention: he catches your every word, does not try to kill. Always remembers what they talked about, knows by names not only friends, but also acquaintances mentioned in the conversation. It’s just that you are interested in him, and he wants to know as much as possible about your life.

2. Always calls if he promised to call back. And when he did not promise, he is not too lazy to dial the number once again. . He just missed, he lacks communication with you.

3. Always nearby and ready to help. If you suddenly have health problems, it will not back down until you return to your previous cheerful state. He will not be too lazy to wander into a pharmacy a hundred times, stand in the kitchen and cook chicken broth. Patience and work will grind everything, as they say! And love is healing.

4. A young man will never persuade you to unprotected sex. . He cares not about his pleasure, but about your health.

5. Your relatives, friends and friends communicate well with him and are always glad to be his presence. This is also important, because loved ones feel the guy’s attitude towards you. .

6. You never know how much you ate in a cafe, how much tickets to the cinema or a concert cost? Congratulations! What a young man pays for everything himself is a sure sign of his love for you! Do not think that they buy you so. .

7. He looks at you for a long time. Just like that, for no apparent reason. Unless, of course, he is a hypnotist, it means that he likes you to admire.

8. In the case of a bad mood or problems, he is always there. It is not necessary to ask him to come – he himself feels when he should be near. He can be able to transfer your tantrum, calm and cheer up? This is definitely love!

9. You have never heard from him the phrases “my ex”, “when I met with one girl” and t.P.? No, he does not hide his past from you. It does not matter for him anymore, because next to you I want to forget about everything.

10. He does not rude and does not suit the “analysis of flights”. He knows how to understand, listen and wait; does not put pressure on you and does not force events. She is like this, this sincere love.

Not everything is as smooth as described? Do not rush to be upset. If at least five points coincide, your couple on the way to perfect relationships!

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