Which countries can be visited without a visa, what to take into account

Visa is permission to go to another country to a citizen of one country for a certain time. It should be issued a few days before the trip, at the embassy of the state where you plan to go. This is a long enough procedure that may require many documents. And the chance to get a refusal is always not small. It is for these reasons that many travelers are attracted by states where the visa regime is either absent or not very hard. At the moment, there are several conditional options for crossing the borders of other countries:

Entrance to the country without a passport (it will be enough to present a certificate of personality). For example, this is how Russians can go to Ukraine or Belarus, and the Swedes can visit the territory of Finland, having one driver’s license with them.

A visa will be required when visiting countries such as India or Laos, but its design is quite simple, without special requirements.

Many countries allow entry only after a thorough audit. The basis for issuing a visa will be an invitation, and for this procedure a lot of different documents will be required. This design can be both paid and free.

Such a complex design of visas is established by countries such as Germany, Great Britain, France and America. In addition to the above requirements, you may also need to go through an interview at the consulate, which often ask quite humiliating and mocking issues.

There are a number of countries for visiting which a visa is not required at all, or its design is so simplified that it is almost not noticeable for the traveler (in relation to the inhabitants of Russia). These countries are the most attractive for relaxation. Such countries include:

Tunisia. Inexpensive spa resorts are located on the territory of this state, who are in great demand among domestic travelers. The visa is issued at the airport at the arrival.

Thailand. As in the case of Tunisia, a visa can be obtained at the airport for up to 15 days.

Morocco. For our citizens, a visa is also not required. For the most part, the country attracts historians and archaeologists, for this reason our compatriots are not enough here.

Cuba. If the deadline in the country is less than thirty days, then the visa will not be required.

Dominican Republic. A visa is not required, but upon arrival you will need to purchase a tourist card for $ 10. The same amount should be paid at the time of departure to his homeland.

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