The most important factor for mom is the upbringing of a child

The education of a child is always the most important factor that determines the future life of the child. It is exactly how the child is brought up in childhood that affects his adult life. Parents do not always give a report in their actions during education, do not look, so to speak to the future, as it can then affect the life of the child. In principle, errors as such can be distinguished a lot, but all of them, as a rule, will be situational. But among the main ones that create smaller ones, distinguish two errors, this is a denial of the child’s independence and not the acceptance of the child as a person.

Let’s start with the denial of the independence of the child. In each family, the relationship between parents and the child is very strong and, as they grow old, the child wants to receive more and more freedom. After all, he studies, receives and develops new skills and the field of his activity expands every year. The question of independence is acute in adolescence, when a teenager begins to realize himself as a full -fledged personality. He is ready to make decisions and choose. Often these are simple solutions: what to wear, with whom and how much to walk, where to go to study. . Therefore, do not treat them superficially, because the child will soon become an adult, so on the contrary he needs to help in this.

Another important mistake is not the acceptance of a child as a person. It is important to understand here that the child has his own character and quality features that should not be redone or to treat them negatively.

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