What is the Krasnaya Polyana resort

Krasnaya Polyana resort is an expressive corner that surrounds the thick forest and Caucasian mountains. There is a moderate climate and there is an opportunity to spend rest at any time. In winter, travelers go to Krasnaya Polyana to ride mountain skiing or snowboarding on amazing mountain slopes. But it is worth noting that in connection with the preparation for the Olympic Games, some mountain routes do not work, since global reconstruction of sports facilities and large -scale construction of the new Olympic infrastructure is performed. Tourist trips to this resort are available at any time. There are a lot of tempting unusual places in these places, which are accompanied by a large number of different excursions. During excursions, travelers will get acquainted with the sights of this region.

One of the obligatory attractions is the Akhhtyr cave. The cave has a depth of 150 meters, while initially it forms a corridor of twenty meters, and then halls are located. The height of the halls in some places reaches ten meters, and the width is 8 meters. There are two sites just before entering this cave, which unites the corridor. In the vicinity of the resort there are a small number of small lakes that are an excellent fishing place. These lakes are located at an altitude of 1250 meters above the level of sea water, and you can get to them only by passing a relict forest. Fishing tackle and recommendations on the right mountain fishing will be expected in place of the traveler. Those who want acute sensations have every chance to participate in rafting. Allocation along the mountain river Mzymta will fill with unforgettable emotions. During the alloy, you can enjoy amazing views, and an experienced instructor can help choose an interesting route. You can test yourself by making a flight on the planner.

Numerous pair of glider gliders have chosen the slopes of Krasnaya Polyana for their flights. A huge number of amazing feelings will deliver tourist trips to mountain bicycles. The routes pass along the paths in the forest along the mountain river, they can provide special pleasure. Hiking tourist campaigns invite to visit amazing places in the vicinity of this resort, where there are no roads, but there are attractive paths. Numerous routes are laid along the surrounding slides, passing which the traveler will be able to enjoy the beauty of mountain lakes, waterfalls and will be able to learn more about these places.

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