What products should be included in the diet to remain an energetic person

For each person living in our time, speeds of speeds are required to quickly make important decisions, react with lightning speed in critical situations and much more. In this particular case, all this depends on the clear work of our brain. Help him work clearly or do nothing – this is your choice. We bring to your attention the top products to improve brain function.

      The first place is occupied by oysters. At any age, they are very useful for brain functioning. The concentration of zinc and iron in them is so high that the use of oysters improves memory, retains the speed of the mind, and also increases the perseverance, attentiveness and memorization of new information. Unfortunately, a little this product is like.

 Curry is in second place. This seasoning literally revives the brain. .

Honorary bronze receives tea. . .  The tea party firmly entered our lives and the ranks of tea lovers are constantly growing.

In the process of aging, the human brain is atrophied. . . .

From useful treats, you can distinguish berries and nuts. Berries can replace sweets on the table.  . . Nuts are quite affordable product.

Many fish consider only a dietary product. And completely in vain. .

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