How to cook healthy and tasty ginger tea

The hot summer brings not only citizens, but also residents of rural areas and everyone is saved, as they can. Some in kilograms absorb ice cream, some are cooled in reservoirs and souls, but each person knows that the hot season of the year does not survive without enough liquid. Nutritionists recommend consuming clean water in the necessary volume necessary for everyone. But it happens that it is not possible to get drunk with water, and it has one unpleasant property – to wash off the salt and other elements from the body. What to do? Of course, drink compotes or tea!

The time when a person has a variety of berries and fruits can be safely called blessed. Of course, they can be eaten just like that, but you can cook delicious compotes. Currants, mulberry, apricot, peaches, all this is the perfect composition for delicious and healthy compote. The secret to cooking a beautiful drink is simple. Per four liters of water – 400 grams of berries or chopped fruits. You can cook a mixture in one pan – strawberries with raspberries and an apple, a pear with plum and currant, and apricot with lemon! It is lemon that gives the drink tenderness and aroma. The secret of the composit’s universality is that every housewife can prepare them for her own taste. But there are some secrets. Any drink will acquire piquancy if you throw a slice of fresh ginger into it. Ginger is revered by Indians and many other peoples for their useful qualities and excellent aroma. But it can give the drink to the drink, especially if you put it more than necessary.

Based on ginger, many spicy teas are prepared – hot and cold. Here is a classic recipe for ginger tea. Put an apple, lemon, orange, fifty grams of fresh grated ginger sliced ​​into an enameled container. Gurmans advise adding a little spices – a stick of cinnamon, vanilla, several grains of cloves and asterisk of Cardamon. All this is poured with two liters of water and on low heat is brought to a boil. Can boil the mixture for ten minutes, after which it must be cooled and strain. After that, it is necessary to brew with boiling water (250 ml) three teaspoons of black tea. After the tea is infused, it must be mixed with a decoction of fruits and spices, cool and drink with or without sugar – to taste. This ginger tea has a tonic and illuminating effect, perfectly quenches thirst and replenishes the reserves of vitamins in the body exhausted by heat.  

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