How to cook tasty meat: process features

As you know, the huge share of our diet is meat with you. Despite the widespread and fashionable vegetarianism of lovers of meat dishes is not less, and they need to be prepared with knowledge.

The first secret of the good taste of the meat dish is the condition of the meat. Of course, for the perfect steak, it is better to take fresh meat that is not exposed to freezing. But every city hostess knows how difficult it is to buy paired meat today, without risking their health and without doubt in its quality, so many prefer a frozen product. . The main thing is to defrost the meat correctly. It is worth doing it slowly, otherwise the express ejector can literally destroy all the beneficial qualities of meat. The most optimal defrosting option is such – wrap the frozen meat in wet fabric and put on the lower shelf of the refrigerator (do not forget about the deep container that will collect meat juice). In no case do not try to defrost the meat with hot water – it is so easy to ruin its taste and beneficial properties. Many hostesses ask the question – whether it is worth washing the meat after defrosting? No, not worth it – it is better to do it before her and only in cold water. It is better to use juice in the process when cooking meat, especially when it comes to extinguishing or baking it in the oven.

Without which the meat will be fresh and tasteless? Of course, without spices! But they should also be selected competently. .

Many people who lead a healthy lifestyle prefer stewed meat fried. In many ways they are right. But you can stew the meat not only in your own juice, but also in various fragrant mixtures – broths, wine, lemon or orange juice, in apple caramel. But remember that the incorrectly selected temperature regime can make stewed meat dry and hard, so carefully study the instructions for operating your furnace.

You can cook meat only over low heat with the addition of a bulb and lemon slices – this tandem will make the meat broth and more aromatic, and the meat itself – more tender. It is not worth it, and digest it, otherwise even the most tender fillet will become dry and fibrous. Cook with love!

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