How to protect a child from diseases with a delicious freesh of fruits and vegetables

. Fresh is the best assistant in the prevention of various diseases in children. It is important to choose the right product to prepare this drink – and then your child’s immunity will be reliably protected! . A small speck may turn out to be a serious carrier of toxic substances.  . In January, strawberries will not bring any benefit, but rather harm, thanks to the contained preservatives. ! If the juice turned out to be too concentrated – dilute it with boiled water at room temperature. Do not mix vegetables and fruits in one juice, since in the body different enzymes are responsible for processing different products. The simplest rule: mix green with green, red with red, etc. D. It is better to give freshly squeezed juices to children under 10 years of age no more than two times a day and not more than 30 ml.  . The best time for juice is about 20-30 minutes before meals, this helps to improve appetite and digestion. Remember! Before giving a child juice, consult a doctor, so as not to harm your child!

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