How to teach you how to handle money: tips

Money is an integral and necessary part of modern life. It is important to be able to competently manage them not only for an adult, but also for a child. But what is needed to form such an understanding in children?

It is necessary to start work on the correct understanding of the treatment of cash from childhood, when the child has already learned to consider. It is very important that money for the child does not become an object of goodness, but be a simple means for mutual settlements and to a small extent – a means of encouragement.

It is important for children from an early age to learn how to properly manage money, so that in adulthood they manage their means with responsibility. But what does the child have to do with money directly depends on his parents. 

It is necessary to teach the child to understand that: money is inherent, not so easy, you need to make your own money on your own first; The amount of money that you have and how much you want you can not always match, and also the money is not the most important in life.

Starting from ten years, children can be issued by a certain amount of money that he can dispose of their own discretion, in accordance with the small needs. . From this moment, the child has an attitude to money.

It is best to give children not a large amount for every day, but a small amount for each week so that they learn to control their expenses. And all because the child can spend more money, knowing that he has it in his pocket, but if they replenish these money once a week, the child gradually learn to manage his pocket money.

The amount of money issued can be gradually increased as soon as the child has more responsibility for expenses. You can also give out money incentives for help in the household, reading books, cleaning in the room. At the same time, pay the child’s attention to the fact that any work should be done efficiently so that a monetary reward can be obtained for it. In this case, the child will pay attention to the importance of the process of making money and the fact that this process must be approached with all responsibility. Also, encourage children to save money for any purchase, birthday or trip.

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