Sports during pregnancy: gynecologist tips

Today, fitness for many women is an integral part of their life. But what to do if you learned about your extremely “delicate situation”? You ask a bunch of questions, for example, “it may be better to leave this matter so far, so as not to damage the baby’s proper development?”And t.D. In this regard, specialists working in this area developed a number of recommendations and laws. “Pregnancy is not a disease!” – they shout in one voice, so do not give up your favorite fitness.

After all, it is worth noting that any sport is given so necessary, a charge of vivacity and energy, which absolutely all people need, and there is nothing to say about pregnant women. You should know that sports do not carry out any harm to the development of your fetus. Of course this is provided that you have no medical contraindications.

. Of course, all types of step-aerobics will have to be excluded, since they imply sharp movements, and in your position it is extremely unsafe. If you have absolutely no contraindications, only one thing remains – to decide what exactly you want to do, there will be group training or individual. Fitness for pregnant women, as a rule, implies exercises aimed at overall development, as well as those that are aimed precisely at stretching and strengthening the muscles of the spine, relaxation.

Power training is also possible, but exclusively for certain muscle groups, but before this type of procedures, you need to consult a doctor.  If you correctly and rationally perform the selected course of classes, then this will certainly help increase the elasticity and elasticity of the abdominal wall, reduce congestion in the lower extremities and small pelvis, increase the flexibility of the spine and mobility of the joints.

It is necessary to pay special attention to preparation for childbirth. This is achieved by developing skills in working with severe pain. Proper training of breathing exercises is also very important. Very favorable to the body of a pregnant woman is affected by walking in the fresh air. They contribute to a decrease in discomfort and make the process of childbirth much easier. Treat yourself as attentively as possible and listen to your body, believe me, it can tell you a lot?

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