The main hair care commandments

No wonder the words “long braid” and “beauty” rhyme so remarkably! !

Unfortunately, modern living conditions are not most positively reflected in the state of the woman’s body – we spend less and less time on ourselves, and more and more on work. . How to restore health and beauty to hair?

The commandments of the beauty of the hair

The first commandment of beauty is vitamins. . . Therefore, do not ignore vitamin additives – your appearance will be transformed for the better.

The second commandment of beautiful hair is the right care. It begins with determining the type of hair and their problems. . . In a word, choose only those tools that suit you. .

Beautiful hair does not like the effects of high temperatures – give up the hair dryer for a certain period of time and hide the hair from the sun. In winter it is worth wear a hat – frost will also not regret your hair and leave its mark on their condition.

The third commandment of a beautiful hair is a hairstyle. Visit a hairdresser once a month. Cut the ends of the hair – let’s breathe. In addition, the specialist will help you choose the hairstyle suitable for you, which will emphasize all the advantages of your appearance. In the choice of a professional, you are guided not by grandmother’s signs about “light” and “heavy” hands, but by the level of his qualifications and reviews of his clients – to trust his hair just to anyone, even from the best motives!


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