How to make a successful career to a woman: several rules

. . Work, of course, is done, but all their boss simply hate. What to do, because it is simply impossible to work in such a team?

There are several simple rules for women who want to be successful. The team needs discipline, but not the same. It is not easy to manage people, you can’t get a special approach to everyone, because it will take a lot of time and extra expenditure. . Do not trust people too much, they can get your friends in order to gain benefit. Subordinates are subordinates, they need to maintain good working relations with them. They should not be afraid of you, they must respect you.

Do not pay excessive attention to criticism from the team. The proportion of a healthy skepticism will not hurt you if the judgments are objectively expressed, but this is simply not characteristic of a person, so try to avoid this kind of discussion of your person. People envy you and your success, so they often try to find some shortcomings either in behavior, then in appearance-it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you feel comfortable. If something concerns the work, then here you can already listen, because from the outside, as they say, it is more visible. Therefore, learn to separate constructive criticism from envy and stilers, and then your life will become easier and more fun.

Do not try to become like men, adopt their control tactics and behavior. Do not be an evil mum, know how to make contact with people, you are still a woman, you have a beautiful sense of tact and the ability to arrange an interlocutor with nature. Use this, bring a little female charm to your business, and not just male cold power and intolerance to any manifestations of will. Colleagues must trust you, not be afraid and find support. Of course, do not overdo it with this so that your working staff does not get out your neck.

There should be a measure in everything, take this into account during the construction of not only business as a whole, but also your image and behavior, remain yourself, but consider the human factor in work, the subordinate is especially descent. .

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