What is creativity, how to show in the case

. Many parents are increasingly asking a question whether this is the most creativity in the child. Experts claim that it is possible. Argument is the following. From three to seven years in children, susceptibility, plasticity of imagination is very increased in children. . They look at everything without measuring under certain standards, since these standards are not yet.  Therefore, this period is the most favorable for the development of creativity in the child.

According to various researchers, the connection between creative abilities and intellectual and learning abilities is quite weak. Creative activity is often characterized by a feature of temperament, the ability to develop new ideas and their rapid perception. .

Creativity acts as the ability to solve standard problems in a non -standard way. Parents are the best assistants for the child in this regard, because during this period of life for children the authority of parents is undeniable. . Pastime, which is aimed at any joint creative activity, gives joy and pleasure to the child, while he feels that parents pay him the maximum amount of attention and care.

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