How to get married: tips and rules for single girls

For lonely people, the most lively topic is the theme of life together. And, unfortunately, not all relations between a man and a woman end in a cheerful wedding. After all, a woman always hopes that in the near future, she will utter the cherished “yes”, but men prefer to limit themselves to fleeting meetings or joint accommodation. In such situations, many women involuntarily beg the question, but how to marry a man and prove to him that you are the only one with whom he will be truly happy.

Some men simply do not know that a woman wants to create a full -fledged family and only legally. In such situations, it is enough to make a slight hint of a wedding or make an offer itself. Although some men sometimes have to lead to the registry office by the handle. But this is the simplest and most easy life situation, since most representatives of masculine tax in every possible way resist marriage registration. Such men are quite happy with a free housewife and a passionate mistress in one person, but the excess obligation on his part is completely useless. And in this situation, you can use the fedular tactics proven for centuries. It consists in becoming the most tender, affectionate and understanding for her partner, and periodically, without any reason, turn into indifferent and cold. It is worth noting that this method works flawlessly, but for some reason, men use it much more often than women.

Another rule that should be learned: the more the man put into a woman, the more difficult it is for him to part with her. It can be not only cash costs, but also spiritual. If a woman every time proves to her man that she can solve any issue without his help, the less chance that he is to marry her. Of course, many men are attracted to self-confident women, but in some things it is still worth it to prove themselves absolutely helpless. And the more a man helps you, the stronger he is attached to you. The main thing is to always frankly admire his mind and strength.

Of course, all means are good to achieve the goal, the main thing is that they do not contradict your conscience and do not violate ethnic norms. Ethnic norms include violation of the freedom of your partner and universal principles. Therefore, if your man categorically refuses to marry you, do not try to seek help from black magic, this may end poorly and first of all for you. And it’s better to think about whether it is worth spending time, because there are so many free men in the world, among which you will definitely meet your soul mate.

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