Why is it so important to play sports during pregnancy

A long time ago, a time has passed when a woman who learned about her pregnancy is urgently prescribed a bed regime and abstinence from any, even the most minimum loads. At the present stage, everything has changed dramatically. Entire training programs have been created for those who are waiting for replenishment in the family. A lot of questions immediately appear: how, when, where and with what duration and intensity can you play sports? How or another load will affect the future baby? Which physical exercises are safe and beneficial affect the health of the future mother and his child? And which, on the contrary, can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus?

Now, all experts say one voice that if there are no complications during pregnancy, fitness and any other exercises are required for the beneficial course of the process.  In this case, usually a set of exercises is created by a doctor and the pregnant woman herself, taking into account all individual health characteristics. Correctly selected classes can positively affect pregnancy, strengthening health, and in addition to everything, facilitate future births. Because during physical exercises, the level of endurance increases and good muscle tone is formed.

What sports are recommended for pregnant women? I advise many experts to do water exercises. They strengthen muscles well, and are still very safe, because during classes in water it is impossible to make too sharp and dangerous movements.  Some pregnant women prefer yoga. Yoga classes are very useful because they strengthen not only the physical, but also the emotional and spiritual state of a person.  But many yoga exercises require additional preparation, so they are not suitable for everyone. Although now some women are hiring special yoga or consultants.

With fitness during pregnancy, every woman should remember that her main goal is to strengthen her own health and health of the future baby, and not the achievement of muscle relief and ideal figure.  In no case does it intend to lose weight, because it can very negatively affect the formation of the body of the unborn child and lead to poor consequences.

So, remember that fitness classes are good preparation for childbirth, as well as a great way to strengthen health.

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