What is the secret of beautiful waist of Hawaiian girls

Probably all Hawaiian girls can boast of their amazing figure. And the secret lies in the fact that they dance folk dances using bamboo hoops. . But here’s how to choose the right hoop, because they are represented by different sizes and have different weights.

So, if you are a girl of high stature, then a hoop of larger diameter will suit you. Checking the right purchase is quite simple. To do this, put the hoop on the floor and if its upper edge touches the lower rib, then you were not mistaken with the choice. Now, to determine the exact weight, it must be twisted at the waist. .

After the choice is made, you need to know how to deal with the hoop to achieve good results. First, let’s start with a small one, namely, daily classes with a hoop of at least 15 minutes. And preferably, such an exercise is done twice a day. After 20 minute continuous verification of the hoop, excess fat is most well burned. Then gradually, increase the continuity of the exercise to 40 minutes.

At the present time, various types of hoops made of iron and plastic, as well as massage, are presented to our attention. But nevertheless, it is better for novice athletes to start with an iron, especially since it is this hoop that will help to quickly get rid of extra pounds. . The main thing is to ensure that breathing does not get down, since oxygen also takes part in burning fat. In order not to suffer the spine of movement with the abdomen, you need to make small.

Now a few words about a massage hoop. For classes with this hoop, you need to put on a sweater or a wide belt, as the protrusions on the inner surface can cause pain. Of course, over time your body will get used to it and then you will not need clothes. But here it is worth remembering that gynecologists forbid to engage in massage hoop during the MS. .

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