At what age can you take a child with you to the beach

Every adult who has a child, perfectly realizes that if you take the baby with you to the beach, you can completely forget about a comfortable rest. After all, here it is necessary to constantly monitor the child so that he does not fit somewhere and does not harm himself and others, change clothes, feed him and drive him to the toilet. Fortunately, there are ways, given which you can minimize the troubles associated with the stay of a small child on the beach.

So, for starters, we take into account age. If the child is not yet a year old, then it is better not to take him to countries with a hot climate. The kid will still suffer from the heat and is not in your strength to change something, so the rest can be spoiled. At this age, it is better to ride a river somewhere near your place of residence. . You can already walk with a child over a year in the sun, but no more than 15 minutes, and then return to the shadow again.


While relaxing in the south, visiting the beach with a child is recommended from seven to ten in the morning and after 16 pm. If your wives your vacation passes in the middle lane, then this time will be from ten to twelve and from 16 to 18 pm. There should be enough so much time to soak up in the sun and buy, but not to burn out.

Every mother also knows that in the summer a child needs a headdress extremely. . A thermal blow can happen in a child, even if he is in the shade, but without panama, or when he is in a panama, but in the sun is too long. . And, of course, you need to see a doctor.

If there are sunburns in stock, then the child’s skin is treated with a special cream. After the burn comes down, you can go to the beach again, lubricating the child’s skin with sunscreen.

It is better to put on the beach of the child in light panties made of natural materials, and not send them to frolic naked or in diapers. . . Wet napkins will not be superfluous.

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